File Request Need Boardview for Lenovo Motherboard BMWD1 NM-A491 Rev. 1.0

Randy Johnson

New Member


HI Guys,
First time, retired trucker. Was involved in electronics in Navy and later TV's. Did digital in the Navy 1972-76. Doppler Nav. Then TV work after service, and very little since in my 40's. So I thought at 67, I would give Motherboard repair a go, as Mother is bored with me! My Lenovo laptop Ideapad gave me an idea, when it went on the fritz. I thought if I can troubleshoot to a component level as in the old days, but back then without a microscope or miners lamp with lens, I would perhaps see if I could scrounge up some work, but I am way behind the 8 ball on the new techniques of soldering, etc. So right now it's a hobby to fix my lapdance, then perhaps see from there how it goes. I have downloaded the schematic for the mentioned unit, but need board view to make it easier to locate components without a stereo microscope. Thanks in advance! Stay Safe
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